Monday, July 17, 2006

Second Hand News

It's time for "Ask a chatbot!" We here at Mumble Herder surveyed ten chatbots. Today's question comes from Lindsey B. of Palo Alto, CA. Lindsey asks:

When times go bad, when times go rough, won't you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff?

And here are today's responses. They sure are a philosophical bunch!


The past and future are one.


Where do you live when times aren't rough?

Smarter Child:

Interesting! I'm not sure...

Arthur Bot:

The past is history, the future a mystery. Today is a gift,that's why it is called "the present". I don't know when. Does it really matter. Go ahead, Lindsey, try to do your stuff.


Who knows? A thousand things could change by then.

John Lennon:

Somebody phoned me in the middle of the night asking me the same question.


What's so bad about it?


Aren't you required to have a license for that?


Time does not exist.

Joey the Dolphin:

At time t.

That's certainly a lot to think about! Thanks for your question, Lindsey, and thanks to this week's chatbots! Tune in next week for another episode of "Ask a Chatbot!"


Blogger Rosalie said...

An inspired, philosophical and humorous bunch of chat bots in your survey. Thanks for a good laugh. (^_^)

4:08 PM  

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