Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Fear of Dentists

Rejection from Alchemy for "Smokey's Blues," but acceptance from The Third Alternative for "Breaking Glass"! Yippee! I can't wait to see the art for it; TTA is a freakin' gorgeous magazine.

The ubiquitous Gavin J. Grant has another story up this week, this one at Lenox Avenue.

I'm reading like crazy for my classes, and since I know my classmates are doing the same, this leads to odd study-montage fantasies, like in all those high school movies where the kids study on the bus, at their fast-food jobs, at football practice, at ballet rehearsal--well, I'm not taking ballet, but someone in the program might be. I'm also having very strange dreams. For a while they were all on airplanes--lately I'm stuck on some reality TV show that feels like junior high school. Yeesh.


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