Thursday, July 14, 2005

It's better to swallow pride than blood

Everyone in my family has a fair amount of attitude, but my youngest sister Mary AKA Sweet Mare got more than her share. Yesterday I emailed her to ask her how she was doing, and she responded:

"I am doing well.. I think people really think I am cool.. What do you think???"

I conducted an informal pool of the people in the office where I am temping, and the majority of the people said that while they didn't think Mare was necessarily uncool, they didn't actually know who she was. One guy did say that she was cool, and that he particularly liked her in that John Hughes movie where she played the punk drummer girl who's in love with her best friend. I told him I was pretty sure he was thinking of Mary Stuart Masterson, but he insisted that it was Mary Joan Schwartz. Now he wants her phone number.


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