Friday, August 27, 2004


Not many updates this week. A recap:

Took Tuesday off, went to the free day at the Art Institute. Went to see my buddies Ganesha and Horus and the rest, then wandered through the second floor galleries and found a bunch of surrealist stuff I didn't know was there. Got so hepped up I had to buy a book on Surrealism, because the only thing I've ever really read on it was Arcanum 17, and I can't really claim to have understood it. I don't know that I have a true surrealist sensibility in my work -- maybe something near to the early years of the movement -- but it definitely speaks to me, more than any other sort of art.

What else? Ah, yes: Tangent just put up a review of LCRW #14, but didn't review "A NOtE AbOUt thE TYpE," darn it. Sigh. I don't know if the reviewer just didn't realize the jumble of letters in the back was actually a story, or if he just didn't feel like slogging through it. (I could understand the latter, by the way. Which is not to say I'm not proud of the story: but I knew when I wrote it that not everyone was going to love it. It's a bit of a challenge to read -- worth it, in my not so humble opinion, but a challenge.)

Saw Hero tonight, and . . . wow. Gorgeous, and weird, and really cool. Much as I love kung fu, I was hoping for more than just Fighty McFighterson, and I got it. Maggie Cheung, yes, and damn it's hard to believe that this was the same woman pouting at Jackie Chan throughout Police Story 2. (Yes, the site is in French. Sorry, I mean Freedom.) Tony Leung, also yes. Daoming Chen, who? and also yes. Jet Li . . . stoic. Maybe. And Zhang Ziyi (in Chinese, but hey, it's official!), yes, and really damned beautiful, and welcome to kick my ass anytime.

Little rant. I know this makes me a bad liberal, and I am a liberal, so go right ahead and call me one. I can take it. I'm reclaiming the epithet. Look at me -- I spread mustard liberally on my sandwiches. I apply shaving cream liberally. I'm for liberation, generally. I'm like Dan Savage, with that one word that I'm uncomfortable using, where he asks people to call him that name, and, um, you know. So call me a liberal. Now I don't remember what I was getting at. Oh, yes.

I'm so tired of all these Move On emails that I can't even tell you. I know the election is important, and I'm all for activism, but do I really need three emails a day asking me to sign, donate, and get pissed? No. I really don't. I'm over my limit. Yeah, I suppose I could unsubscribe, but I really do think it's a good organization. But, can't they just take a tiny break? Take a few days off, then go to one missive per twenty-four hours. Max. Please.

Um. More? No. Tired. Kilborn is leaving, and good riddance. Maureen Dowd on Letterman, this is good.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Stories to Read, and a Different Review

Gavin Grant has the fiction piece up in this week's Strange Horizons, and it's very good. Go read it.

I recently had the pleasure of reading a few stories by Pam McNew which appeared in Fortean Bureau. Pam's seriously talented. Go read her.

Another review, this one from Patrick Samphire on his blog SFReviews. Patrick is a talented writer: read one of his stories. Why? Because it's good, and because he gave me a nice review.

The Life Aquatic

Discovered the trailer today for the impending Wes Anderson feature, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I can't wait--I love Anderson's films, Rushmore in particular. The new film features Bill Murray again (of course), along with Owen Wilson, Anjelica Huston, Willem Defoe and Cate Blanchett. (I don't have a lot of love for Huston, I have to admit, but the rest of the cast is stellar in my book.) Familiar themes are evident in the glimpses offered--fathers and sons, families, obsession. Do I care that Anderson is revisiting these themes? No. Ask me again after a couple more movies, I might be more concerned with him striking out for newer territory. Right now I'm just happy that there are people letting him make movies.