Took this one while killing time between movies downtown. It turned out pretty well, I think.
Height: shorter than Elvis but taller than Johnny. Eyes: Fulfillingness' First Finale. Hair: sometimes. Build: Tower of Babel, Gormenghast, Temples of Syrinx. Subject to change without notice.
Took this one while killing time between movies downtown. It turned out pretty well, I think.
Polanco almost always begins: Look here, I dreamed that I was on a square and I found a heart on the ground. I picked it up and it was beating, it was a human heart and it was beating, then I took it to a fountain and washed it the best I could because it was covered with leaves and dust, and I went to turn it in to the police station on the Rue de l'Abbaye. That's completely false, Marrast says. You washed it but then you wrapped it disrespectfully in an old newspaper and put it in your jacket pocket. How can he put it in his jacket pocket if he was in his shirtsleeves, Juan says. I was dressed propertly, Polanco says, and I took the heart to the police station and they gave me a receipt, which was the most extraordinary part of the dream. You didn't turn it in, Tell says, we saw you when you went into your place and you were hiding the heart in a closet, the one that has a gold lock. Imagine Polanco with a gold lock, Calac laughs rudely. I took the heart to the station house, Polanco says. Well, Nicole allows, that was most likely the second one, because we all know that you found at least two. Bisbis bisbis, says Feuille Morte. Now that I think about it, Polanco says, I found about twenty. Great God of Israel, I'd forgotten about the second part of the dream. You found them on the Place Maubert, under a heap of garbage, my paredros says, I saw you from the café Les Matelots. And they were all beating, Polanco says with enthusiasm. I found twenty hearts, twenty-one counting the one I'd already taken to the police, and they were all beating like mad. You didn't take it to the police, I saw you when you hid it in the closet. In any case, it was beating, my paredros concedes. Could be, Tell says, the beating doesn't worry me at all. There's nothing like a woman, Marrast says, a heart's beating and all she sees is a gold lock. Don't be a misogynist, my paredros says. The whole city was covered with hearts, Polanco says, I remember quite well, it was terribly strange. And to think that at first I only remembered one heart. You've got to start somewhere, Juan says. And they were all beating, Polanco says. What good did it do them? Tell says.
If you love Grover, you should watch this video of his greatest rival delirious with pain. Hilarious, but not safe for those without a tiny bit of the sadist in them. (Via BoingBoing.)
Jed discusses the (somewhat murky and suspect) etymology of the term "can of corn." I must admit, I thought everyone knew this term. But then, I am rather myopic when it comes to baseball stuff. Man, do I miss going to games.
Was at the Hideout AKA the best bar in the world last night to see my friend Bran's new band, the Teenage Imposters. Bran's been on a quest for the perfect two-minute pop song for about fifteen years. If he finds it, he might stop playing in cool bands; so if you know where it is, hide it!